Hi Wynter! I'm delighted to be visiting. I was thinking of a topic to post about, and as always, once I started dreaming, my mind drifted to food. So, I thought, why not go with it? Hence, today's guest post is "Food as Inspiration, or Feed Your Muse".
Three Wishes released this week. It has a Syrian setting, and writing it I became addicted to raw pistachios. Heaven knows why, but something in my brain was adamant pistachios were the Mediterranean snack food, and who am I to argue when they're so yummy?
I always thought pistachios were nuts, but technically they're kernels and you need a male and female tree to grow them. I know this because once I became addicted to them, I naturally wanted to see if I could grow them. This is what a pistachio tree looks like (with thanks to Oceanbaby via Flickr).

I don't think I can squeeze two more trees into a suburban yard.
Kebabs are my favourite fast food--and a great Mediterranean meal. I'm lucky. Our local kebab shop is also a Turkish bakery, so in addition to takeaway meals and dips (hummus, anyone?), we have yummy sweets, baklavas and Turkish delight.
Did you know true Turkish delight is made without gelatin? Maybe everyone but me knew this. You use cornflower instead, adding it to the boiling toffee and beating hard. Me, I've given up making toffee since I burned my little finger. Thankfully, there's aloe vera in the garden and that stopped it scarring.
Hmm, I'm rambling a bit. But that's what Mediterranean food inspires--a leisurely, indulgent approach to life and all the good things in it, casual conversation and siestas. My kind of life!
She is the Bringer of Death
Cali, a djinni, has sworn to twist the wishes of humans so they die by their own greed and evil. Her latest master is arms dealer David Saqr, a man Cali believes deserves the fate she has in store for him. But this time she finds herself up against Andrew, David's guardian angel.
He is a Protector of Life
Andrew believes David can yet find redemption. He fights Cali for the man's life, even as he tries to persuade her to give in to the sizzling attraction between them. He shows Cali another side of David, and invites her to trust again, to hope. But centuries of being enslaved have hardened Cali's heart--it's going to take all of Andrew's love to convince her to open it and let him in.
from Carina Press