Saturday, August 27, 2011

Book Club Nirvana

I can't wait to read the next two selections for my book club. The first is The Help by Kathryn Stockett. Yes - half the readers out there are probably reading this one, but one of our founding members chose this one long before the movie came out. I've just delved into the first few pages and I'm already hooked. This is good news because I absolutely hated the last book, The Law of Love by Laura Esquivel, a book that scoffs at the all-important writer rule of showing rather than telling. Every emotion is told to the reader and there's hardly any dialogue. Honestly, I couldn't finish that one, but my reading group buds are cool about that. Part of why we meet is to discuss the book, part of it is merely intelligent conversation with some interesting women.

After we meet next month to discuss The Help, we'll make a date to go see the movie together. I can't stand seeing a movie first then reading the book. When I ordered this book, I went ahead and bought our next selection as well - Some Girls: My Life in a Harem, which is a true story by Jillian Lauren. This one is calling me, too so I'd better hurry up and read The Help!

What about you? Are there any books you're dying to read? If you are a member of a book club, have there been any selections you hated? If so, did you finish the book?


Chudney Thomas said...

Not a member of a book club but I have quite a few books waiting in the wings to be read. The secretly life of Pi, The known world and Benny and shrimp are just a few.

Wynter said...

I hear Life of Pi is awesome.

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